Indeed, I can't hold back my tears ...
Sungguh, tak sanggup menahan air mata ini menetes ...

After Friday prayer I was still sitting on the terrace of the mosque in one of the school complex.
Sesudah jumatan aku masih duduk di teras mesjid di salah satu kompleks sekolah.

The congregation of the mosque was deserted, each of them dispersed with their busy lives.
Jamaah mesjid sudah sepi, bubar masing-masing dengan kesibukannya.

An old woman offered her merchandise, traditional cakes.
Seorang nenek tua menawarkan dagangannya, kue traditional. 

One plastic bag costs five thousand rupiah.
I wasn't really interested, but out of pity I bought one.
Satu kantong plastik harganya lima ribu rupiah.
Aku sebetulnya tidak berminat, tetapi karena kasihan aku beli satu kantong plastik.

The old woman looked tired and sat on the terrace of the mosque not far from me.  I see there is still a lot of merchandise of hers.
Si nenek penjual kue terlihat letih dan duduk di teras mesjid tak jauh dariku. Kulihat masih banyak dagangannya.

After a while I saw a boy from the school complex came to the old woman.  I assumed the boy was in his first or second grade of elementary school.
Tak lama kulihat seorang anak lelaki dari komplek sekolah itu mendatangi si nenek. Aku perkirakan bocah itu baru murid kelas satu atau dua SD

The dialogue between the boy and the old woman was clearly audible from where I was sitting.
"How much is it, ma'am?"
"One plastic cake, five thousand, kid", replied the old woman.
Dialog antara anak lelaki dengan si nenek jelas terdengar dari tempat aku duduk.
"Berapa harganya Nek?"
"Satu plastik kue Lima ribu, nak", jawab si nenek.

The little boy took out fifty thousand from his pocket and said :
"I want 10 bags, here's the money, but keep the money for you, you can resell the cake."
Anak kecil itu mengeluarkan uang lima puluh ribuan dari kantongnya dan berkata :
"Saya beli 10 plastik, ini uangnya, tapi buat Nenek aja kuenya kan bisa dijual lagi."

The old woman was clearly seen sparkling in her eyes : "O Allah, thank you very much kid. 
Alhamdulillah, Allah has accepted my prayer to buy medicine for my sick grandson."  The grandmother immediately walked away.
Si nenek jelas sekali terlihat berbinar2 matanya : "Ya Allah terima kasih banyak Nak. Alhamdulillah, Allah kabulkan doa saya utk beli obat cucu yg lagi sakit." Si nenek langsung jalan.

I reflexively called the boy.
"What's your name? What grade are you in?"
Refleks aku panggil anak lelaki itu.
"Siapa namamu ? Kelas berapa?"

"My name is Aditya, grade 2, sir," he answered politely.
"Your daily allowance is fifty thousand ?"
"Nama saya Aditya, kelas 2, pak", jawabnya sopan.
"Uang jajan kamu sehari lima puluh ribu?'"

"Oh .. no sir, I was given allowance ten thousand a day from my grandma. But I never spend it, because I also bring food from home."
"Oh .. tidak Pak, saya dikasih uang jajan sama nenek sepuluh ribu sehari. Tapi saya tidak pernah jajan, karena saya juga bawa bekal makanan dari rumah."

"So what you gave to the woman was your allowance since Monday?" I asked, getting more interested.
"Jadi yang kamu kasih ke nenek tadi tabungan uang jajan kamu sejak hari senin?", tanyaku semakin tertarik.

"That's right, sir, so every Friday I can donate fifty thousand rupiah.
"Betul Pak, jadi setiap jumat saya bisa sedekah lima puluh ribu rupiah.

And after donating I always pray that Allah will send the reward for my late father.
Dan sesudah itu saya selalu berdoa agar Allah berikan pahalanya untuk ayah saya yang sudah meninggal. 

I once heard a lecture that there was a mother whom Allah forgived and saved from the fire of hell because her child gave a piece of bread to charity, sir .... I hope Allah will forgive my father," the elementary school child spoke eloquently.
Saya pernah mendengar ceramah ada seorang ibu yang Allah ampuni dan selamatkan dari api neraka karena anaknya bersedekah sepotong roti, Pak ...., semoga Allah ampuni ayahku", anak SD itu berbicara dengan fasihnya.

I grabbed the boy's shoulder : "Since when did your father die, Aditya?"
Aku pegang bahu anak itu : " Sejak kapan ayahmu meninggal, Aditya?"

"When I was in my mother's womb, sir."
I didn't feel my tears dripping : 
"Your heart is much nobler than me Aditya, let me repay your fifty thousand money, please ...", I said while handing a fifty thousand note into his hand.
"Ketika saya masih dalam kandungan ibu."
Tak terasa air mataku menetes : "Hatimu jauh lebih mulia dariku Aditya, ini aku ganti uang kamu yg Lima puluh ribu tadi ya...", kataku sambil menyerahkan selembar uang lima puluh ribuan ke tangannya.

But Aditya politely refused and said : "Thank you very much, sir... But keep it for yourself, I'm only a kid without any responsibility to feed anyone ... But you have a family.... I'm returning to my class, sir".
Tapi dengan sopan Aditya menolaknya dan berkata : "Terima kasih banyak, Pak... Tapi untuk keperluan bapak aja, saya masih anak kecil tidak punya tanggungan... Tapi bapa punya keluarga.... Saya pamit balik ke kelas Pak".

Aditya shook and kissed my hand.
"God guards you, kid ..", I answered quietly.
Aditya menyalami tanganku dan menciumnya.
"Allah menjagamu, nak ..", jawabku lirih.

I was leaving, not far from there I saw the old woman in a pharmacy.
Aku pun beranjak pergi, tidak jauh dari situ kulihat si nenek penjual kue ada di sebuah apotik.

I rushed there, I saw the old woman was going to pay for the medicine she bought.  I asked the cashier how much the medicine cost.
Bergegas aku kesana, kulihat si nenek akan membayar obat yang dibelinya. Aku bertanya kepada kasir berapa harga obatnya.

The cashier replied : "Forty thousand rupiah."
I handed the money that the boy refused to the cashier :
"Let me pay it .... And give the change to her."
Kasir menjawab : " Empat puluh ribu rupiah.."
Aku serahkan uang yang ditolak anak tadi ke kasir : " Ini saya yang bayar... Kembaliannya berikan kepada si nenek ini.."

"Oh my God..., sir..."
Before the old woman had time to thank me, I had already left the pharmacy hurrily ...
"Ya Allah.. Pak..."
Belum sempat si nenek berterima kasih, aku sudah bergegas meninggalkan apotik... 

I rushed to Pandeglang joining my friends who were going in the path of Allah.
Aku bergegas menuju Pandeglang menyusul teman-teman yang sedang keliling dakwah disana.

In my heart I pray that Allah will accept my alms and forgive my parents and my beloved daughter who have passed away, returning to Allah.
Dalam hati aku berdoa semoga Allah terima sedekahku dan ampuni kedua orang tuaku serta putri tercintaku yang sudah pergi mendahuluiku kembali kepada Allah.

Written by MSA Haris F Syarif Abdurrahman


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